Today our house was ruled by boys, I tried to snap a few pictures to just give you an idea of what you are missing. Here is the breakdown:
At church the two oldest boys chowed down Lifesavers. The whole pack; ate them like candy. We came home and they did the same. Monkey just told me somebody messed up and put nothing but red ones in one pack. Yes he can read, but obviously his perception still needs work.
Squawky came home and went through the fridge, like always. He eats everything. Last night he ate three man sized servings of "Misacetti" (spaghetti) in the same time I managed to eat one serving. When he becomes a teenager, I am sending him to live with Nana for the summers, she is used to feeding never ending boy bellies. It will give her time to reminisce.
Here are some pictures from the day:
. . .the results.
Squawky comes out and shows off his Decepticon socks (evil Transformers)
5 Minutes later
I made this picture small on purpose. If you have a strong stomach you will notice definite boy hanging from the right nostril.
The next little Transformer. . .
Wifey wanted to take some sweet pictures of the boys by the Christmas tree and this is what she got. . .